Beauty Tips

Flutter your Eyelashes

Eyelids not only for Beauty they are gifts that Mother Nature gave us to protect and shield our eyes from dust and other foreign bodies. And because we communicate a lot with our eyes, our eyelashes help us put color and meaning to our words with the way we flutter and bat our eyelashes.
It would be more effective, we do not have to be born with long and thick eyelashes to be able to have seductive-looking eyes, though. After all, what is makeup for? All it takes is the touch of the magical mascara wand.
Mascara does magic and play very important role for our lashes as long as it is correctly applied, in such a way that there are no globs of the stuff clinging to our lashes and that each strand is separated from the other. Nothing ruins the effect of mascara than globs and lash strands clumped together.
Apply the mascara to the base of the lashes with the mascara wand and then give the wand a wiggle. Afterwards, carefully brush the mascara to the ends of the lashes with the use of a lash comb and then just wipe the excess mascara from your wand with a piece of tissue before touching it to your lashes.

Flutter your Eyelashes
Don’t use mascara in bad way please carefully and second thing is that the eye cream or the concealer used is oil-based and still wet.
You can prevent the smudging by applying powder first onto your lower eyelids before putting on the mascara. Also, try not to blink while putting the mascara on, or else it will definitely stick to your eyelids rather than to your lashes.
Do use your lash curlers before putting on your mascara, not after. If you are thinking of applying a second coat, better do it before the first coat dries.
Eye lash curler work more effectively and not to heat your curlers too much be careful.
To make sure that you have your lashes fully covered, it is best that you use a mascara wand that is short and thin. Short and wands let you reach those corner lashes; it also gives you extra control in handling it.Keep your wands clean at all times, The best mascara results come from using clean wands.

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